Dominion Payroll Blog

Attract & Hire News and Updates

Written by Laura Lonergan | May 30, 2023 2:55:02 PM

The below information covers recent changes impacting Attract & Hire users:

Twilio Text Messaging Fees 

You may have received an email about this Twilio update already, but we want to be sure there are no surprises about this future charge.

Twilio is the carrier used to send text messages from businesses to applicants. They will be charging a $19 fee to clients who are currently subscribed to a texting plan.

Some of the changes along with this fee include:

  • New Clients: Free texting will now only allow 25 free texts per month. This is meant to allow them a “taste test” of the feature and not use it as a long-term plan.
  • Existing Clients: We will keep existing clients on the 50 free texts per month option.

It is also important to heavily encourage clients to complete the business registration process in order to send messages if applicable to them.

Clients who do remain on these free options will not be required to complete the business registration process. This is because they will use the root domain pooled numbers. If they upgrade to a paid plan, they will still be required to complete the business registration process.

Clients will only need to complete the business profile form once per Organization, not per career site. Each career site will still need a user to flow through the process to complete registration, as some other system checks take place. This allows clients to choose their updated texting plan with the updated pricing. If the biz profile form is already completed, they will simply see a message letting them know it has been done and can move to the next step.


Zip-Recruiter Updates 

Similarly to Indeed, Zip-Recruiter will now require the salary and pay to be provided in job descriptions. If clients do not provide their salary and pay on their own, it will be estimated based on the averages for similar jobs and positions.

We strongly discourage requesting the following information in your initial job applications:

  • Driver’s License Information
  • SSN/Last 4 of SSN
  • Bank Account Information

Indeed now penalizes job posts requesting this information by limiting their visibility across their jobs. If the information is pertinent to your application, we recommend that you request it in “phase two” of the application processes, as long as it does not connect back to Indeed.


For any questions regarding the updates to Attract & Hire, please contact us at or 804.355.3430.