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Talent Management

Predictive People Analytics | Share & Perform | Zayzoon | UCM | Expense Management | Giving & Volunteering
From performance evaluations to employee wellbeing initiatives, we provide the tools you need to develop and nurture a talented workforce.

Prevent payroll errors and stay in compliance with labor regulations.


Payroll & Time

Scheduler | Clocks | Biometric | Tax | 401k
Effortlessly manage deductions, securely receive direct deposits, and smoothly file taxes.

Additional Services

Design retirement plans that align with your financial goals and provide peace of mind for your employees' future with retirement options.

Merchant Services
Improve cash flow management, reduce the risks of bad checks, and offer enhanced security features to protect against fraud.

Maximize your workforce with streamlined HR and Benefits solutions.

Human Resources

DP Boost HR| DP Assist | Share & Perform | LMS
Discover top talent within your organization, reward your employees' successes, and train new hires with ease using our comprehensive HR solutions.


Open Enrollment | Reconciliation | ACA | Carrier Connections | Benefits Admin
Employee benefits and payroll data are all in the same place making selections and deductions easy.

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Active in all 50 states, any industry imaginable, and every community we serve, American employers from 5 to 5,000 people trust us for Payroll, HR, Time and Talent needs. Today, we’re one of the nation’s most innovative, customer-focused, and respected workforce management firms.

We offer strategic partnerships designed to enhance the operational efficiency of businesses by integrating payroll, HR, and benefits administration into a single, user-friendly platform. Our partnerships provide clients with access to industry-leading support and innovative solutions tailored to meet their unique needs.

2 min read

IRS Required Retirement Plan Restatements: What You Need to Know

From time to time, all qualified retirement plans are required to be updated to reflect recent legislative and/or regulatory changes. Some of these updates are made through plan amendments, but others require plan documents to be completely re-written (a process known as “restating” the plan.)

The deadlines for adopting these updates are usually dependent on the type of plan and plan document. For example, a defined contribution plan, e.g. a 401(k) plan or profit-sharing plan that uses a prototype document must generally be restated every 6 years. Alternatively, a defined-contribution plan using an individually designed plan must generally be restated every five years. Amendments may still be required in between these mandatory restatements. 

As posted in the IRS Announcement 2020-07, the required amendment restatement for 401(k), profit-sharing, and money purchase pension plans is scheduled to open on August 1, 2020, and close, after a two-year period, on July 31st, 2022. That said, different deadlines may apply for certain individually designed plans. 

Regardless of the type of plan/plan document or the service-providers involved, plan sponsors are required to maintain fully executed copies of all plan documents, amendments, and restatements since the inception of the plan. If your plan is audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), they will ask to see signed plan documents and will review to make sure they are up to date for all required remedial amendments. 

If you did not timely adopt a required update or you are unable to locate a signed copy, the IRS offers a voluntary correction program. This allows you to bring your plan document back into compliance for a fee that is much lower than the penalties that could otherwise be imposed.

For more information, we suggest you contact your plan provider for more details or contact us here at DP-Grow and we would be happy to conduct a thorough review of your plan and/or answer any questions you may have. 


To get in contact please reach out to Dennis Tender: │804-729-3819





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